Tuesday, September 09, 2008

New Ads

Dwyn and I have been concocting some new slogans to use in our ads. Sometimes, we may get a little carried away. These sessions usually involve lots of laughter, and the slogans get a little more 'risque' each time. Sometimes, we think we've come up with an awesome slogan, until other staff members point out that it may be a little out there.

Which of the following do you like best? Or have we finally lost it? :-) - It's ok, we can take it!


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    The beads have taken over my brain!
    is my fav!
    however it is in need of a beaded brain! I think I might try something!
    As for "This is your brain on beads!", all I can see is a really gross, horror movie-like poster (with "real" brain!)
    Sorry if this is too gross...

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I like the first most - no reference to brains for me thanks!

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    The first one "Get lost in the beads" is my fav. It evokes how I feel when I'm looking at beads and dreaming stuff up...

  4. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I like them all!

    But especially - this is your brain on beads - that will certainly grab some attention.

    I love the new colour scheme too. So peaceful and inspiring.

  5. Definitely the first one.

  6. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Definitely, "This is your brain on beads". My second would be, "Get lost in the beads". Since my beading is an addiction, I like one that refers to addictions! Sometimes I wonder what my brain looks like while beading and trying to decide what to design next!

  7. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I like the first one best, because on your website, I often DO "get lost in the beads"!

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Yup! I'm with "get lost in the beads" too...because I definitely do, and I'm sure other beaders will relate as well. Or...how about just "Lost in the Beads".


  9. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I like the first one! "Get Lost in the Beads". It happens to all of us!

  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Get Lost in the Beads" - definitely my choice. I love the colour combo too!
