Saturday, September 27, 2008

More from the Fashion Show - Coated Beads

Another thing we got to see at the Fashion Show the other night was a preview of new firepolish colours. Some fabulous oranges and new shades of green and purples and blues. A number of these colours are coated, and we're always a little hesitant to dive right into beads that get their colour from coatings, as opposed to being coloured right through. In the past, some coatings have been known to wear off, and we like to think that we are all making heritage jewelry that will some day be worn by granddaughters, or possibly grandsons - depending on how free-thinking your kids are. ;-) We've also noticed some inconsistency between batches - but hey - that happens with the self-coloured beads too.

However, the technology does seem to be getting better, and Jablonex is very confident that their new colour-coating technology is durable - so what do you think? Are you willing to give coated beads a chance if it means more fabulous colours? (Some of them are reeeeeally pretty!)

Leave a comment and let us know!


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    fabulous colours are ALWAYS worth a risk!

  2. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Some of the coated beads you have are lovely and you're the experts so I trust you guys to make the right decisions!

