Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bead Knitting is big at the K-W Knitter's Fair!

Our first show of the fall season was technically speaking not a bead show, but a knitting show. The Kitchener-Waterloo Knitter's Fair is arguably the largest knitting-oriented retail show in Canada, drawing at least 1600 eager buyers from as far away as Ottawa, Montreal and upstate New York.

There were only 70 vendors at this show spread over two large halls. This may seem small by bead show standards but, after all, yarn takes up a lot more space than beads do! BeadFX had a small booth selling beads and buttons for knitting and bead-knitting related books and tools. We were busy all day long as experienced knitters were interested in expanding their knitting skills to include beading. They brought their skeins of light-weight yarn to match with the large range of colours we have available in both Czech and Toho beads.

I demonstrated a way to add beads and charms to leftover scraps of yarn to make a glitzy necklace.

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