Friday, August 01, 2008

Trip to the Gem & Mineral Show

As Jen mentioned, Marg and I drove up the the Bancroft Gem and Mineral Show - the Gemboree - on Thursday. The weather was lovely for the trip up to Bancroft - as opposed to previous years. We driven up there through some horrific weather, aftermath of a tornado, torrential downpours, 30+ heat - so this time was nice!

Thursday's attendance was low - lower than we've seen in the past - some of the vendors were definitely feeling the pinch, but others seemed very happy. By and large - we were actually disappointed - there was very little new - but now that we send Marg off to Tucson each spring - it's getting harder and harder to surprise us at local shows.

We did score some nice rose quartz - look for that on the site soon. I personally picked up some more dragon pendants for my collection and some dragon charms that I put on ear wires and made into earrings. Nice to be able to make your own that way!

For those of you who are veterans of the show - the second building - down the hill - was actually much livelier than usual - don't miss it if you are tempted to give it a pass.

For those who have not been to a gem and mineral show - this is a good one to go to. There are lots of vendors - and if you are a business - don't forget to take your vendor's permit and see if you can at least get the tax taken off.

And, don't forget the obligatory stop at the Kawartha Dairy for ice cream on the way back - This year, I tried the Musoka Mocha - I can highly recommend it. Marg had the Sugar Shack Maple and recommends it too.

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