Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Surprise Wine and Cheese

Once a month, a group of heavily addicted art clay aficionados, get together at beadfx to talk about new techniques, teach each other, share our creations, and talk. The meeting is always fun, and we've got a great group of people. Last night, Liz brought wine, cheese, port, dip, and bread! Yumm. Heather showed up a few minutes later with homemade salsa and chips. I of course had missed all of the prep for this, as I'm still trying to get caught up with everything. It was such a nice surprise, and a great way to start the week.

One of the big topics yesterday, was of course the new bronze clay. This was introduced while I was away on vacation, and I'm not sure yet if we'll be able to sell it. (We'll certainly try). A group of us are planning a group order from Rio Grande. Bronze clay is just like silver clay with the exception of it being much more affordable. It comes in packs of either 100, or 200 grams. You can get a 200 gram pack of bronze for the same price as a 20 gram pack of silver.

I was just looking for my good links that I have saved, now I can't find them, and I can't find them in google either... Check back later today for an edited version of this post with lots of excellent bronze clay links!

If you are interested in joining our Ontario Art Clay addicts group, please send me an email to jennifer@beadfx.com - Even if you are not local to Toronto, we have a mailing list, and lots of other members from other parts of Ontario.

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