Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wet Canvas - Artists' Forums

If you haven't checked out Wet Canvas yet - you should. Wet Canvas is an online forum and community for artists of all ilks. From painting to pastel to glass to fibre - and many more - whatever your media - there is a lively community of folks there ready to discuss and share. From inspirations to techniques, problem solving, marketing, copyright, - any issue you care to think of - you'll find a discussion.

It's free to join, but even if you want to just lurk and read the posts without signing up - you can do that. I've been reading it for years and never made a post! The glass forums are lively and informative and there are tutorials there too - but reading some of the other forums is fun too. Cool little insights into other peoples worlds, like illustrators and professional artists.

There doesn't seem to be a section for seedbead artists however - maybe if enough people asked . . . .

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