Friday, July 04, 2008

Exciting event for the fall

I know it sounds like a long way away, but we're excited to be doing some preliminary planning today for the Creativ Festival this fall (October 17,18,19). While we do not normally attend this show, we have sporadically in the past.

This year will be a little different. Swarovski is doing a large pavilion, with a ton of demo's and Make It and Take It classes. Our booth will be in the Swarovski Pavilion. Nadine, Cynthia, Erin and I will be doing a ton of demo's and Make and Take projects. These will run throughout the show. Some demo's will be at our booth, others will take place in Swarovski's classroom booth. We'll have lots of new Swarovski kits available for the projects we're demonstrating.

Hmmmm, playing with shiny, sparkly crystals all day. Can you think of anything better to do with a Friday afternoon? -GRIN

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