Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chatting with SailorGirl

Sometimes, if Catherine, aka Sailorgirl, and I are teaching on the same night, (she teaches a business classes for jewelry makers, and I teach the bead making classes), we'll go for a few drinks after. As we are both flameworkers, there's always something beady to discuss, but we usually ramble off onto other topics as well.

For instance, she and her significant other spend the brutal Canadian winter cruising around the Caribbean on their boat. Sailors always have stories and she has some great ones. Not all her stories are about sailing, she has some great stories about doing shows and selling, and most of what I know about marketing, I learned from her.

You can go to her blog and read some of her stories - in particular - check out her story about why you should always wear a fabulous bracelet on your left wrist when going through a drive-thru . . . .

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