Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lezlie Winemaker @ BeadFX

Lampwork Beadmaking Weekend
with Lezlie Winemaker

June 28th & 29th, 2008 from 10am - 5pm

Have you always wanted to try your hand at lampworking? Can't wait to work with silver foil and dichro? Or just looking to brush up on your skills? Then this intensive weekend is for you!

This beginner to intermediate course will include many decorative techniques, including surface decoration, sculptural work, clear casing, and pulling cane. You will also experiment with more advanced techniques such as the use of dichroic glass and silver foil. Lezlie will pay great attention to your own personal needs, so bring all your questions. Demos can be adapted to achieve your personal goals!

Lezlie's two-day lampworking course was my first introduction to beadmaking. Hidden in Nortel's workshop, Lezlie demonstrated almost every technique in the book, then let us loose on the torches. (And for those of you who have been to Nortel Mfg - yes, they actually managed to clear enough floor space for a table and 12 chairs!) My striped tube beads and floral tablet, although a little wonky, are still proudly on display in my parent's bathroom :)

Lezlie Winemaker has been creating beautiful jewelry, sculpture and accessories for the past 21 years, combining her expertise in fashion with her formal art training from OCAD, York University and Parsons School of Design in New York City. Lezlie has gained a reputation as being one of Canada's most inspired and renowned creators of "wearable art", which she displays at the prestigious One-of-a-Kind Show and Sale. An internationally renowned expert in the field, she travels the globe, speaking about her art and presenting workshops, her artistry featured in many popular magazines, art publications and national newspapers such as the Toronto Sun and National Post. She has also appeared on the popular CityLine and most recently, Global Television.

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