Friday, June 20, 2008

Kudos to You: Corsage Project

Kudos to you, all of you who contributed to the Corsage Project.

For those of you not in the know, the Corsage Project is a charity to collect and organize and distribute prom dresses, jewellery, shoes, hair styling, limos, flowers - all the accoutrements of prom night - so that young women who have earned the right to graduate, but might skip the ceremony for financial pressures can still attend and graduate in style and without fear of peer pressure.

Each year, we coordinate donating handmade jewellery so that these girls have a special momento of that special night.

I just received a lovely letter from the foundation, and I wanted to share it with you all because it's your exquisite donations that make this work!

The letter says, in part:

On Sunday, May 4th, young women from across Toronto experienced an afternoon they will never forget. On this special day, the Corsage Project held its annual Boutique Ball at Metro Hall in downtown Toronto.

This year's event was a smashing success. With the help of 200 dedicated volunteers we hosted over 200 girls from high schools across the city. Each girl was paired with a personal shopper who helped them select a gown, shoes and accessories. They also received a session with a make-up artist and hair stylist, a professional portrait, refreshments and generous gift bags.

It was an incredible experience for all in attendance to witness the transformation of self-confidence with a glamourous dress, new shoes and companionship. The transformation was stunning and left each volunteer with a sense of reflection and a most memorable experience.

Every year we are able to make a small difference in the lives of a few deserving young women. This would not be possible without the continued support of generous sponsors like you!

So - you can all picture yourself - standing to the side of the hall - watching those girls bloom - and again, as they arrive at their prom - pretty, a little giddy with excitement - glowing with the confidence and assurance. You have made a difference. Thank you.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Just wanted to say, I LOVE this blog!
    I seem to be the only one leaving comments *g* but I see there are lots of visitors from all over (cool visitor widget, BTW).
    I know how onerous it is keeping up a blog in a vacuum, so just wanted to let you know it is the first thing I read every day.


  2. Thank you! It is nice to know someone out there is reading this!

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    As one of the people who made jewellery for the Corsage Project through your store - I want to say YOU too!! I also volunteered at the event and worked at the jewellery table helping the girls pick out pieces of jewellery that would complement their dresses. It was a wonderful event - to see the girls' eyes light up because they found THE piece of jewellery for them was amazing. There was laughter, tears, smiles and hugs. What more could you ask for?

    For all of you interested in participating next year - I highly recommend some necklaces using crystal or crystal ab - the girls seemed to be drawn to that. Also, there was a serious lack of bracelets.

    I hope I'll see you all there next year!

    The Dixon Chick
