Saturday, May 24, 2008


As some of you may know, I'm really not known for my organization skills. My desk is a perpetual disaster zone, and everything I touch becomes an unorganized mess. However, every now and again the lack of order drives me into a frenzied organizing clean up day. I can feel that moment coming on. :-)

I really want to tackle my jewelry. As a beader, lampworker, and metal clay addict, I've accumulated a "lot" of jewellery. Most of which I never wear, but it always wonder - If I had it organized and close to hand, would I wear it? So my question is to you blog readers - How do you organize your finished works? Do you just dump them all in a jewellery box? Or do you have a section in your closet for them? I'd love to hear your ideas. I was thinking of making some sort of frame to hang on the wall. Instead of putting up prints, I could have frame after frame of lampwork beads and jewellery! - If you'd like to share your ideas, please post in the comments below.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    To avoid that pitfall of chucking everything I've made into a drawer I actually purchased retail T-bar display stands (flocked black)in round (preferred shape)and oval 6" tall for bracelets as well as 2 round bar, 12" tall for necklaces. My small dresser looks like a jewellery store my friends say but it's all right there - not out of sight out of mind. There are days when I choose my clothing based on what jewellery appeals to me that morning! Works for me.

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Well, I guess I'm in the "pitfall" crowd! Stupidly enough, I love MAKING jewelry; I just don't wear it that much. I'm trying to rectify that, but it'll take time.
    In the meantime, it's in my dresser drawers as well.
    I've thought about a frame with window screen in it, and small "S" hooks to hang everything? But I think it would be a horrendous dust-catcher and goodness knows I don't need more of those.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I use both methods! I made a necklace "hanger" from an old picture frame (that I painted and backed with a thin wooden sheet). Added cup hooks (in two rows)and voila! Now necklaces that I wear with some regularity hang in plain view above the dresser. My bracelets however are stuffed into the jewellery box. Of course this doesn't account for all the rest of the creations that are stored in my beading room...
