Thursday, May 15, 2008

Late Start this AM

Late start this morning - late night last night. The update to the database that makes the website work happens at midnight, and in any normal company, it would all be automatic - but no one has ever accused us of being normal - so some of it is done manually, by me, at midnight. It means that I not only need to be awake, which I usually am, but on the ball as well - which is optional for most people at midnight.

Jen will be reporting on the progress of the classes over the weekend - she's very excited about these Kate McKinnon classes. Today's is full, but if you're not opening the cottage this weekend - maybe you want to see if you can get into one of the other classes? The Jewellery Design class looks might tempting!

A friend sent me a link to this site: Bruno's Art Tour. Check it out! I just love the idea of have statues hidden in the garden, and not those nasty concrete garden centre gnomes either. I'd fill my garden up with sculptures if I ever found any I liked at prices I could afford!

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